IBI Sailing is a specialist company that supplies racing dinghies and equipment to the Junior and Youth classes. They are the acknowledged UK experts in the Optimist and 420 classes. The company moved to Ashford in Kent for three years and has recently moved again to new premises just South of Chichester, West Sussex.
The Problem
Their existing ecommerce website was dated in look and feel, had a cumbersome backend and wasn't responsive. They felt they were losing business down to the old website and wanted to bring everything up-to-date to compete at the highest level.
The Challenge
The look and feel of the site had to be brought into the 21st century. The old complex design was starting to turn off customers.
Simple But Expansive Back Office
A simple back end to the site was needed in order to manage products and the store in general. The need to export and import products and reports was required for day-to-day office use.
Top of the list for any site is a secure system when it comes to customer information and checkout procedure.
The Solution
Responsive design
We produced an attractive and modern look that works across all devices. I fantastic shot of the client's daughter racing her boat is used as the backdrop to the site across most pages.
The design is product led with a well structured menu system to allow customers to find items quickly and easily.
Drupal Ecommerce
A number of default back office reports are provided by default, such as orders, customers, products, shipping etc which provide an easy and quick way to view important information.
For IBI we went a step further and created the ability to import and export products via CSV plus two more pages that allow you to edit more than one product at a time, updating common information all at the same time.
Secure Ecommerce
In order to secure the website we installed an SSL certificate, to encrypt information such as login details and the checkout.
We also carry out regular security updates on the core Drupal system and sub modules, making sure there are no vulnerabilities left exposed at any time.
The Result
- "I am very happy with the website, everything is easier than on the old one."
- Responsive design for a good looking site across all devices
- Customers can quick and easily find products
- Import and export of products via the backend
- All data is encrypted and secure using an SSL certificate